jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

When i was a child i wanted to be a dancer, or a artistic skater. I always look at them in the tv and my dream was to be like them.

In the moment of i decided study in the university i was between two decisions. Be a nurse or study theory and art history. I was to be a nurse because mi sister is a nurse, and i like your job. In the high school i very good at biology, chemistry and physical, so be a nurse was a good idea, but the thing that i really love definitely was history, literature and aesthetics. It was a really difficult decision because i didn't know that this career exist, but at the moment i was found this career, i don't doubt.

My father wanted me to study medicine, nursery or something that gives me money, but when i tell to him my decisions, he gives full support.

My experience at the university is very good. I love the subjetcs and this motivates me every day. The evaluations are not too difficult to me and I like work under pressure. Under pressure i work better.

The kind of job i would like to do is out of Santiago, because i'm from Punta Arenas, and in this place  have lack culture and arts. I have been thinking about in create a public place for people without resource and anyone who likes art. Bring art to people is my goal.

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Who I am?

Hi! mi name is Carla and im 19. I was born in Punta Arenas. My parents are Raúl and Gloria and i have two sister: Denisse and Daniela. My mother died when i was twelve and since 2008 i live in Santiago. 
Denisse have 30 years old, she is nurse and work in the public hospital of Punta Arenas, and Daniela have 24 years old, she is a psychologist an live in Punta Arenas too. 
Actually i live with my father in San Miguel. 
In my first school years i was live in Punta Arenas and i was in a catholic school: Liceo María Auxiliadora. Then, when I moved to Santiago, I studied at the Tantauco school, a school of the air force, I never liked, but it was there where I met those who are today my best friends. 
Since two years i study theory and art history in the University of Chile. 
I really love take pictures with my nikon camera and like listen music everytime, everywhere.  I usually listen to indie pop and rock and sometimes, secretl,  reggae ton.
Recently I discovered a band that I really liked: The shoes. For anyone who wants to hear this band,  recommend the song "Drifted"