jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

When i was a child i wanted to be a dancer, or a artistic skater. I always look at them in the tv and my dream was to be like them.

In the moment of i decided study in the university i was between two decisions. Be a nurse or study theory and art history. I was to be a nurse because mi sister is a nurse, and i like your job. In the high school i very good at biology, chemistry and physical, so be a nurse was a good idea, but the thing that i really love definitely was history, literature and aesthetics. It was a really difficult decision because i didn't know that this career exist, but at the moment i was found this career, i don't doubt.

My father wanted me to study medicine, nursery or something that gives me money, but when i tell to him my decisions, he gives full support.

My experience at the university is very good. I love the subjetcs and this motivates me every day. The evaluations are not too difficult to me and I like work under pressure. Under pressure i work better.

The kind of job i would like to do is out of Santiago, because i'm from Punta Arenas, and in this place  have lack culture and arts. I have been thinking about in create a public place for people without resource and anyone who likes art. Bring art to people is my goal.

8 comentarios:

  1. I'm sure you made the right desicion , because you are a good student!!!!

  2. i think that your project at Punta Arenas it's a great idea, the knowledge of art must be all over the world! salu2

  3. i think that your project at Punta Arenas it's a great idea, the knowledge of art must be all over the world! salu2

  4. hello Carla , I'm your classmate Camila. I can see your passion about the career and is really inspiring because I'm a very lazy person.
    See you soon...

  5. hi'! I so happy for you bacause you chose something that you love, and that's is important.

  6. Hello, i think nursery is a very lucrative option, and theory of arts.... also. But the thing is study the most funnier.


  7. hello Carla, your final decision is surprising that being nurse was much more profitable, but you chose so you passionate, that's great !
