jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

My experience using blogs in the english class was very good. At fisrt, i dont like it to much, because im so reserved person and is very difficult to me talk about me and my interests, but over time it became easier and funniest.

In relation with skills developed, i think that write blogs every class helps me to improve my vocabulary and talk in english, because i write what i think, and this is so important. About my writing skills i cans say that i dont have developed to much, because i write directly and i dont read what a just i wrote, but in my career, theory and art history, i developed too much, and in excess, this skill.

In the future i like to include, mmm, i dont know really, maybe activities like the other day, when we have to guess what character are you, group activities, where all speak, because i think that you learn fisrt talknig and after writing.

I think that its a good idea start for writing blogs about the typical topics, like family, music, art etc., for get familar the blog, but i like writing in the future about fiction, create stories, love stories, hate stories, murder sotries.


martes, 28 de junio de 2016

I like all the music, including reggaeton and bachata, but always it depend on my moods. I hear regageton and bachata in de weekend, usually when i was cleanliness or in the carrete haha, but in generally and daily i listen indie music: indie pop, indie rock. 
I listen indie when im sad, when im happy, in the subway, in the public transport, in the way to the university or my house. I always listen indie. 

Indie pop and rock its a musical genre that originated in the United Kingdom and in the United States in the 1980s according and by Wikipedia and is derived from Rock and experimental music. 

All the typical instruments like the guitar, the bass, the drums, are relevant but takes importance in some groups the synthesizer.  Is this electronic instrument which generates new sound trough a keyboard. 

The most important exponents are MGMT, Foster the People, Beirut, Devendra Banhart among others, but when i started listen this music i  hear this bands, but in this moment and usually i looking for new bands in YouTube or Spotify. Im always listening new songs, and a few days ago I found The Shoes, a french band. I love this group. I recommend  the song "drifted",  my favorite song today. 

jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

When i enter in this career, i like it too much all the subjects, in specially "Aesthetics", but in this semester i had a special love for "History of Art III"

I have History of Art one day in the week, but the class during three hours. 

In this subject wee see all the currents of art of all the times, and in the last moths wee see impressionism, expressionism and vanguards, a very interesting and entertaining content, specially for the social, politic and cultural reasons surrounding the period, like industrial revolution, the modernity, the transience of things, etc. 

The last year we had an another professor, he was be a good professor but was very booooring.  
This year the teacher change, and she make the class very fun and, and related the history like a story, so is more easy to me learn in this way and remember the content. 

In this way, the teacher are a very important person, she makes my that I love her subjects and it became in my favorite content. I learn and spend a great time in her class. 

martes, 21 de junio de 2016

My career is Theory and Art History and has no advantages hahaha but have a many disadventages like a bad salary, difficulty to find work. 
My carrer are very unknow, and the strage thing are that the career has more than 30 years, but University of Chile is the only institution where you can study this. 
Maybe it is unknow because the cultural area in Chile are very poor and undeveloped, the people are not interested in this topics. 

The requeriments to study this are to be interested in art, history, aesthetics and philosophy, and like the text productio. Write and read a lot. 

In my opinion, the benefits are more personal than professional. You become a person full of knowledge , power your critical side , you start to question things and develop research y and you surround yourself with art and people very kind, nice and strange.

When you come to study this you know you have almost no chance of work and you'll be poor all your life, but generally works in museums , art galleries, write in magazines or web art pages, making classes,selling sopaipillas or drugs, etc.

I hope not to make money because i dont wknow if i find work.
I write this very angry because i accidentally delete ALL, but i LOVE MY CAREER AND IS THE BEST CAREER IN THE WORLD.

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

My favourite philosopher is Aristóteles
He is from Greece and born in 384 a.C. It was not only a philosopher, but also a great
scientist and his ideas have influenced the history for thousands of years , until today , especially in the field of art .

Aristoteles thought about the arts , whose philosophical study is part of aesthetics ; in this sense the most important text , especially for the future relevance , is the Poetics. Hi is also considered the first author write about aesthetic.
Hi is my inspiration because in this time, think about art like a form of knowledge was a very contemporany way of thinking. 
He wrote more than 200 texts, but the best known are Poetic , Rhetoric , Politics and Metaphysics

I like his ideas because besides enormous influence in the entire world, his thinking seems surprisingly advanced for the era in which he lived, and I agree with the ideas proposed abour art and aesthetic.Needless to say that as a scientist, was a genius and his contributions to science are fantastic.

His ideas are connected with mine in the artisitc level, where read Aristóteles is one of the first things that must be done to understand the aesthetics in my career, Theory and art history.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016


I chose photography is Martin Chambi, indigenous Peruvian photographer who portrays his village and culture.
The photo is of an indigenous woman, elderly, wrinkled and with their typical dress,
The photo is taken in black and white, which enhances your character portrait.
Photo I love because it shows a reality unknown to many, showing the most intrinsic corner of a beautiful culture.
photo has no specific date but is making the twentieth century, approximately around 1970.

Martin Chambi's role is critical in Latin American photography, and thanks to it, we can get much closer and better known, Peruvian indigenous culture.

I hope someday to take pictures as Martin Chambi, rescuing and highlighting important details of ordinary people, making them special.