miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

My future work

Hi, the topic for today is to talk about your future work.
I study theory, history of art and aesthetics and is a very unprofitable career. I have very little chance of finding work haha ​​or maybe not, but the labor camp where I work is very small.
Usually people who graduate career dedicated to cultural management, curatorship, be teachers and teach at the university, research, cultural criticism, address museums among others.

I think, I feel and believe the work I have to do today as theoretical and art historian is to fill the cultural and artistic gaps found in the history of Chile, to create a file and cultural subjectivity and thus to grow as a country the sociocultural field.

The truth is that I think as a person, one can develop many aspects, so I would like to study not only that, I also want to study organic farming in the IDMA and get training as a yoga teacher, so I'd feel complete and happy.

I hope that in future im working in any of these things, hopefully in all three at the same time or may not work at all, i don't know, I dont like to talk much of the future but this is more or less what I aspire. 


miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

Your favourite song

Hi, today im going to talk aboaut my favourite song, something very difficult to me because i have many favourite songs, so, i talk about my favourite artist in this moment.

In this days i'm obessed with Tomppabeats, a japanese artist who makes songs with only one beat. His songs are very short, last approximately one or two minutes because he repeat the beat over and over.

The songs are made with sounds of the rain, people talking, sound of nature or known songs all under a rap bass or something like this. Its not like Eminem or50cent, his music are totally different and i listen it when i make essays for the univeristy, when i go to my home, in the subway, in the bus, etc.

I discovered this artist in YouTube, i love search new artist in this page, i think is so usefull for this and all the month i discoveres a new one artist

The artist is very unknow :( hi has only 30.0000 followers in his page of facebook and when he to post something in soundcloud, youtube or facebook, he receives very few likes and in spotify too. I always share his songs because i want to the people know him, its a very new artist and i love him.

The link to listen his fisrt EP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76PHzENMQ04

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

My favourite artist

Really I dont have a favourite artist and neither a favourite piece of art, but if i choose one i would choose a photographer. He called Martin Chambi, an indigenous peruvian.

He is recognized for being the first in portrait photographer in Perú and for to portray the native population usually in Lima or Arequipa. 

One of my favourite photo is a picture in which an old woman appears, but a very old woman, peruvian, and indigenous. I think that is the most beautiful photo that was taken in Lationamerica. I think the photo represents all the history was hidden, repressed, and ignored in all the history, and in specially, art history, in which always narrate the history from a western perspective, usually European, so i love this photo for this. 

Other thing that makes me like it and fascinated with this photo, its aesthetics, the colour, because, the black and white gives the photo a huge power and intensity. 

I think that the role of Martin Chambi in the history of Peru is very important and fundamental, because he was able to show a part of Peru that it has never shown.  Y love him <3 

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

The best holidays

Mi best holidays was two years ago, in 2014
My sisters and I went to Torres del Paine, in the south of Chile, near to Punta Arenas City and Puerto Natales.
We went out to Punta Arenas on a thursday in the morning. A bus taken us in the bus stop and took us with other people, mostly foreign travelers, to Puerto Natales. In this place we camped at night and on the friday morning other bus took us to Torres del Paine. We delayed approximately 3 hours.

Saw this scene was it magical. The air, the forest, the mountains, the lake, share with other people of other countries, the icebergs, all was beautiful.
In this National Park are two famous routes: the W and the O. The W route is the easier way to get to the base of Torres del Paine, in the place where all the people taken photos hahaha. The route takes about seven hours but the happines and the satisfaction is huge. The O route is for people experiencied in climb and taken about two days.

We obviously made the W. Lunch with the most beautiful view i've ever seen.
We camp two nights,  we went to Grey Lake and taken whiskey on the rocks with an real piece of iceberg. We were happy <3

jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

My experience using blogs in the english class was very good. At fisrt, i dont like it to much, because im so reserved person and is very difficult to me talk about me and my interests, but over time it became easier and funniest.

In relation with skills developed, i think that write blogs every class helps me to improve my vocabulary and talk in english, because i write what i think, and this is so important. About my writing skills i cans say that i dont have developed to much, because i write directly and i dont read what a just i wrote, but in my career, theory and art history, i developed too much, and in excess, this skill.

In the future i like to include, mmm, i dont know really, maybe activities like the other day, when we have to guess what character are you, group activities, where all speak, because i think that you learn fisrt talknig and after writing.

I think that its a good idea start for writing blogs about the typical topics, like family, music, art etc., for get familar the blog, but i like writing in the future about fiction, create stories, love stories, hate stories, murder sotries.


martes, 28 de junio de 2016

I like all the music, including reggaeton and bachata, but always it depend on my moods. I hear regageton and bachata in de weekend, usually when i was cleanliness or in the carrete haha, but in generally and daily i listen indie music: indie pop, indie rock. 
I listen indie when im sad, when im happy, in the subway, in the public transport, in the way to the university or my house. I always listen indie. 

Indie pop and rock its a musical genre that originated in the United Kingdom and in the United States in the 1980s according and by Wikipedia and is derived from Rock and experimental music. 

All the typical instruments like the guitar, the bass, the drums, are relevant but takes importance in some groups the synthesizer.  Is this electronic instrument which generates new sound trough a keyboard. 

The most important exponents are MGMT, Foster the People, Beirut, Devendra Banhart among others, but when i started listen this music i  hear this bands, but in this moment and usually i looking for new bands in YouTube or Spotify. Im always listening new songs, and a few days ago I found The Shoes, a french band. I love this group. I recommend  the song "drifted",  my favorite song today. 

jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

When i enter in this career, i like it too much all the subjects, in specially "Aesthetics", but in this semester i had a special love for "History of Art III"

I have History of Art one day in the week, but the class during three hours. 

In this subject wee see all the currents of art of all the times, and in the last moths wee see impressionism, expressionism and vanguards, a very interesting and entertaining content, specially for the social, politic and cultural reasons surrounding the period, like industrial revolution, the modernity, the transience of things, etc. 

The last year we had an another professor, he was be a good professor but was very booooring.  
This year the teacher change, and she make the class very fun and, and related the history like a story, so is more easy to me learn in this way and remember the content. 

In this way, the teacher are a very important person, she makes my that I love her subjects and it became in my favorite content. I learn and spend a great time in her class.